WONKANG ROADBIT (CEO Jeong Ho-nam), a manufacturing company specializing in materials, parts, and equipment, said it will participate in the German construction machinery fair to accelerate its efforts to target the European market, which is the main market for construction equipment.
WONKANG ROADBIT will participate in the construction machinery exhibition "Bauma 2022" in Munich, Germany, from October 24 to 30, and run a booth under the theme of "All That Diagram wall equipment parts."
WONKANG ROADBIT will showcase △SB Cutter Teeth △ BC32/BC35/BC40 exclusive Gearbox BCF9/BCF10) △ Cutting Wheel & RSC Cutting Wheel △ Mud Pump at the exhibition.
In particular, it will unveil a dedicated holder that can use SB Cutter Teeth in Casagranda equipment. This will draw attention by enabling the operation of various highly utilized cutters made from the existing Wongang hardmetal to Casagranda equipment, which is widely used in Europe.
The Bauma Expo is the 33rd best trade fair in the world to be held for construction machinery, construction materials machinery, mining machinery and construction equipment.
The world's top three construction machinery fairs are Bauma in Germany, CONEXPO-CON/AGG in the United States, and INTERMAT in France. The Bauma exhibition, which is held every three years and encompasses new products and the latest technologies related to innovative construction around the world, is overwhelming in size and evaluation.
An official from WONKANG ROADBIT said, "We have established and operated the Total Foundation R&D Center Research Center in Seoul, and continue to develop equipment and parts used abroad to accelerate exports." The official added, "We plan to strengthen our efforts to target the European market by participating in the Bauma fair."
Source: Hello, reporter Lim Geun-nan (https://www.hellot.net/news/article.html?no=70803)