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WONKANG ROADBIT has signed a business agreement with 'IKSA Engineering'

WONKANG ROADBIT, a manufacturer specializing in materials, parts, and equipment, has signed a business agreement with Turkiye's largest civil engineering construction company, "iksa mühendislik."

According to WONKANG ROADBIT on the 29th, the agreement has secured a bridgehead for entry into Eastern Europe. IKSA Engineering is the largest civil engineering construction company in Turkiye (formerly Turkey) and is active in multinational companies such as Russia, Uzbekistan, and India.

Meanwhile, WONKANG ROADBIT will participate in the construction machinery exhibition "Bauma 2022" in Munich, Germany, from October 24 to 30, and run a booth under the theme of "All That Diagram wall equipment parts."

WONKANG ROADBIT will showcase △SB Cutter Teeth △ BC32/BC35/BC40 exclusive gearbox (Gearbox BCF9/BCF10) △ Cutting Wheel & RSC Cutting Wheel △ Mud Pump at the exhibition.

In particular, it will unveil a dedicated holder that can use SB Cutter Teeth in Casagranda equipment. This is expected to draw attention by enabling operation of various SB Cutter Teeth manufactured from the existing Wongang hardmetal to Casagranda equipment, which is widely used in Europe.

"This business agreement with 'iksa mühendislik' has set a bridgehead for entering the Eastern European market," said a WONKANG ROADBIT official. "WONKANG has established WONKANG (CEO Kang Tae-young) to expand advanced and emerging markets such as the Middle East and Europe."

WONKANG ROADBIT started as a Busan branch of Korea Joong-seok founded by founder Kang Nak-joon in the early 1970s and grew into a manufacturer of parts and equipment for construction civil engineering equipment in the 1980s through mold technology development and material localization.

WONKANG ROADBIT participates in various state-supported projects through transparent management and contributions to the community, and is constantly striving to maintain the global competitiveness of the Korean small business industry through cooperation with various companies such as Eugene Erection Development Industry Co., Ltd. and BETEK Co., Ltd.

Source: Kwon Young-joon, a reporter for the Segye Ilbo ( )


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